Renovations in the medieval villa of Pedraza

Dating of the building: 12th - 16th century.

Applicant: Pedraza Town Hall.

Reason for the award :

For the recovery of the life of this medieval walled town, through a meticulous rehabilitation of its old buildings, with the frequent collaboration of private initiative.

The Pedraza Town Hall, one of the best-preserved medieval towns in the country, receives the Europa Nostra award for its efforts to maintain the original appearance of its old streets, its ornamented houses, and its monuments.

Pedraza is one of the best-preserved medieval towns in Spain. Constructed on the northern slopes of the Sierra de Guadarrama, on a hill between two streams, as early as in the 12th century, it had a walled perimeter. Many of its alleys have preserved the old pavement, which helps the town to give it its medieval character. The Town Hall took on this task and has hence received the Europa Nostra award. The main square, the Town Hall, the Romanesque church of San Juan, Calle Real, the ornamented houses, and the 16th-century castle make up an exemplary urban complex. In conclusion, the City Council’s efforts have focused on ensuring that the old buildings retain their original façades and that the new ones use traditional stone, wood, wrought iron, and tile.

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