Preliminary studies and research on the methodology of intervention on the Portada dels Apostols of the Collegiate Church of Santa María la Mayor in Morella

Special mention / Diploma in the category Research in the year 2019.

Dating of the building: 14th century.

Applicant: Carmen Amoraga Toledo, Director General of Culture and Heritage, Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Government of Valencia).

Reason for the award :

The Jury recognised this project as an excellent example of research prior to a conservation intervention on polychromed stone.

The successful results of the study have permitted its application in situ on the façade, and serve as the basis for subsequent interventions on other monuments presenting similar conservation problems.

The Portada dels Apostols (Apostles’ Doorway) of the Collegiate Church of Santa María la Mayor, Morella, is one of the rare remaining examples of polychromed doorways in Europe. The quantity and quality of the colour, together with its environmental conditions, make it a unique case.

The project was carried out between July 2016 and September 2018 and is based on two main lines of action. Firstly, an exhaustive study was made of materials, construction process, previous interventions and state of conservation of the colours. A second line concentrated on designing appropirate cleaning of the different elements and application of adhesion treatment of the colours following laboratory analysis. At present, the results are being applied in other conservation processes, as this is the starting point for forthcoming interventions on this type of monument in the rest of Europe.

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