The Roman Villa La Olmeda

Similar to the legendary discovery of Pompeii, a farmer found a Roman bronze piece in 1968 in Olmeda. In 2009, a brand new site of Roman mosaics was reopened in the state-of-the-art exhibition space.

Pedrosa de la Vega / Palencia / Castilla y León.
Award in the Category Conservation / Conservation and adaptive reuse in the year 2010

School contest “The Nine Secrets”

Sponsored by the current Santa María la Real Historical Heritage Foundation, this contest has proven to be the best vehicle for engaging students in heritage protection and stimulating them as active agents for its...

Varias localidades / Burgos, León, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Valladolid, Zamora, Ávila / Castilla y León.
Award in the Category Education, training and awareness-raising / Education, training and skills in the year 2013

Santos Justo y Pastor church

The church is part of the "Romanesque North" intervention plan, an innovative heritage management plan, financed by the Castile and Leon Regional Government, which obtained the Europa Nostra award in 2013.

Olleros de Pisuerga / Palencia / Castilla y León.
Award in the Category Conservation / Conservation and adaptive reuse in the year 2010

Romanesque North Plan

More than 54 Romanesque religious buildings in the north of Palencia and Burgos have been restored for seven years, thanks to the North Romanesque Plan.

Aguilar de Campoo, Becerril del Carpio, Cezura, Perapertú, Revilla de Santullán, Ailanes, Castecías, Rebolledo de la Torre y otros / Burgos, Palencia / Castilla y León.
Award in the Category Conservation / Conservation and adaptive reuse in the year 2013

Romanesque Encyclopedia in Castile and Leon

For ten years, between 1993 and 2003, the Santa María la Real Foundation has made an enormous effort of academic coordination, which has resulted in the systematic and definitive compendium of Castilian-Leon Romanesque art.

Aguilar de Campoo / Palencia / Castilla y León.
Award in the Category Research in the year 2003

Restoration of the monastery of Santa María la Real in Aguilar de Campoo

At the end of the 70s, a non-profit association, the Friends of the Monastery of Santa María la Real, rescued the old monastery from abandon and ruin providing it with spaces for training young...

Aguilar de Campoo / Palencia / Castilla y León.
Award in the Category Conservation / Conservation and adaptive reuse in the year 1987

Restoration in Abarca de Campos

Three very different works on a church, a factory, and a palace in a small town in Palencia did not go unnoticed by the Europa Nostra jury.

Abarca de Campos / Palencia / Castilla y León.
Award in the Category Conservation / Conservation and adaptive reuse in the year 1995