Restoration of a house from the 15th century

Dating of the building: 15th - 16th century.

Applicant: Sagrario Felisa de Ancos García.

Reason for the award :

For the meticulous restoration of this 15th-century farmhouse carried out and financed exclusively by its owner.

The restoration of an old Toledo house that previously housed a chocolate factory, brought to light a magnificent 15th and 16th century home with Gothic coffered ceilings and plasterwork.

Number 2 Usillos Street housed a chocolate factory for years. The cessation of business led to its purchase by Sagrario Felisa de Ancos, a private individual who began the restoration of the property to turn it into their home. As the restoration, in which the relatives of the new owner participated, progressed, more interesting discoveries came to light. Thus, when they cleared the basement, the old stall and the exposed brick barrel vault appeared. The surprise was bigger when they discovered the balustrade of the patio, ornamental ceramics, Gothic-style plasterwork, and the original paving of the typical Toledo porticoed patio. The only modern intervention was the conversion of the roof terrace, and laundry room, into a habitable apartment with panoramic views of Toledo.

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