Amador Valdés López

Reason for the award :

For his work in restoring ancient buildings for more than 25 years, mainly in the monumental city of Toledo, and for his contribution to tourism in this city.

For his work in restoring ancient buildings for more than 25 years, mainly in the monumental city of Toledo, and for his contribution to tourism in this city

Amador Valdés López has dedicated a good part of his life to the recovery of cultural heritage. Thirty years of rehabilitation of historic buildings, a dozen of which are in Toledo, support the trajectory of one who has done outstanding work for the conservation of artistic architecture. Valdes Lopez, the owner of the Casa del Temple, whose restoration won a Europa Nostra award in 1998, has also contributed to revalue buildings such as the Casa del Arco in the Plaza del Seco and other buildings in the Callejón de los Muertos and San Bartolomé and Locum streets.

With this project, he has managed to save a significant part of Medieval Toledo, adapting the refurbished buildings to the new needs of the 21st century. Outside Toledo, he has restored buildings in Castile – La Mancha, Castile and Leon, Andalusia, and Navarra.

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