Underground wineries and traditional wines “El Cotarro”

In Moradillo de Roa, there are 193 neighbours and almost the same number of wineries. The recovery of El Cotarro has been due exclusively to neighbourhood participation and the collaboration of volunteers.

Moradillo de Roa / Burgos / Castilla y León.
Award in the Category Conservation / Conservation and adaptive reuse in the year 2020

Tonita mill. Industrial, cultural and gastronomic report

In addition to the comprehensive restoration of the mill and its revitalization as a restaurant, the project has also included the digitization of a historical archive of Murcian paprika brands.

Espinardo / Murcia / Región de Murcia.
Award in the Category Conservation / Conservation and adaptive reuse in the year 2020

Network Tramontana III

Long years of field research have shown the great potential of the resources of Alpine Europe. These represent laboratories where it is possible to experiment with new forms of social, cultural, and economic cohesion...

/ / National scope.
Award in the Category Research in the year 2020

Auschwitz. Not a long time ago. Not too far.

This type of initiative allows the general public, particularly students, to learn about one of the darkest realities of the tortured twentieth century.

/ / National scope.
Award in the Category Education, training and awareness-raising / Education, training and skills in the year 2020