Recovery of the Churches of Lorca after the earthquake of 2011

Dating of the building: 16th - 18th century.

Applicant: Juan de Dios de la Hoz Martínez.

Reason for the award :

The jury has pointed out that "the use and respect of traditional methods, techniques, and materials, combined with the incorporation of measures resistant to future earthquakes, have resulted in an astonishing quality in the restoration work, with fidelity to the original architecture".

The recovery of the historic centre of Lorca and, in particular, of six of its most outstanding churches, is an excellent example of the fluid collaboration between public and private entities in record time to safeguard the heritage.

The recovery of the churches of Lorca after the catastrophic consequences of the 2011 earthquake has proven to be an excellent example of urban management.

Since that fateful date, it has taken only four years to rebuild most of the damaged buildings and, in particular, the town’s rich religious heritage. Unlike other places, where the urban centre was redesigned ex novo, in Lorca, the efforts have been directed to the reopening of the old town, and the tourist diffusion of the restoration work. The awarded project corresponds to the recovery of six churches: San Patricio, Santiago, El Carmen, San Mateo, San José, and San Francisco. In all of them, the interventions have used modern anti-seismic technology, dispensing with reinforced concrete, controlled demolitions were avoided and traditional construction techniques and materials were used, as far as possible.

The consequence has been the reopening of the urban center to residents and visitors in record time and the consequent recovery of Lorca’s social life.

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