Learning from the basins. Appreciating the value of the cultural landscape of the Asturian mining basins

Medal/Award in the category Research in the year 2015.

Applicant: Sara López Arraiza and Nacho Ruiz Allén.

Reason for the award :

The jury was genuinely impressed by the study of a complex and disorganized historical landscape, from which lessons can be drawn for other European areas, which have suffered similar upheavals due to poorly planned industrialization.

The work, self-published by the architects Nacho Ruiz Allen and Sara López Arraiza and which has had a broad international repercussion, has a very enriching extension on the web http://aprendiendodelascuencas.com/

This publication is based on a comprehensive research project on the experience of a very rapid change in a particular environment. It offers a new look at the cultural landscapes that emerged as a result of mining activity. These landscapes, subjected to a substantial industrialization process, have been significantly altered in a short space of time. In a few decades, they have gone from being natural valleys of rural economic and social structures to incorporating in their bosom booming urban agglomerations of unexpected intensity. That has led to the emergence of profoundly heterodox building models. These are hybrid architectures, mutant artifacts that today are capable of offering attractive architectural lessons. This work brings to the fore the difficulty of managing this environment in a post-industrial era.

The research, self-published by the architects Nacho Ruiz Allen and Sara López Arraiza, has had a broad international repercussion. Proof of this is the award of the “Silver Medal”, one of the most distinguished awards in the United States to independent publications.

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